minimalism, • 2/8/24 How to stop wanting to buy stuff Previous 5 things that help me when I can't stop scrolling 🙂 Next 5 things I've quit to simplify my life You Might Also Like A minimalist’s guide to (not) buying 🙂 | 5 tips Things we tell ourselves that make it so hard to declutter When did 'trying hard' become such a bad thing? Minimalism & decluttering don't need to be overwhelming When life feels overwhelming…
minimalism, • 2/8/24 How to stop wanting to buy stuff Previous 5 things that help me when I can't stop scrolling 🙂 Next 5 things I've quit to simplify my life You Might Also Like A minimalist’s guide to (not) buying 🙂 | 5 tips Things we tell ourselves that make it so hard to declutter When did 'trying hard' become such a bad thing? Minimalism & decluttering don't need to be overwhelming When life feels overwhelming…