5 reasons to try new things as we get older
13 Apr, 2023
5 reasons to try new things as we get older…
As we age and start to get older, it’s natural and normal to slow down a bit too. And as we do ‘slow’, it can be easy to choose to stay within the familiar groves that we have etched into our life. We might not find reasons to try new things. Activities we know well, can feel comfortable, as we’ve already gone through the challenges of learning how to do them. Gently and without notice, new things may take on an heir of inaccessibility and may become undesirable. The uncertainty posed by something that we have not tried may seem beyond us. So we stay with what we know and look away from the curiosities that could be brought on by things we haven’t tried. And then, slowly perhaps, we leave even the things that we loved well.
It’s not uncommon to shy away from new adventures as we get older.
But what we lose from this tiny, unnoticed decision, can be absolutely massive. And it seems that the longer we go without trying new things, the more reasons we can start to accumulate for why leaving them is perfectly fine. Common dismissive thoughts would be, “I might not be good at it”, “these bones are old”. “I’m already too exhausted by what I normally do to add something new”. “I don’t have the money to try something that I’m not sure about”. “It’s unnecessary”. “How can I commit to once a week when I never know what’s going to happen from day to the next, or who might need me?”
As we slowly set ourselves to the sidelines of the lives of family and friends, we quietly whisper to ourselves that we’re finished with our own life adventures.
Instead of being in the center of our own life from time to time, we softly wait until someone needs us. Slowly, fears start to grow. And we stop looking for things to be inspired by. ‘Good enough’ and ‘familiar’ becomes good enough. And adventure or excitement seem to be merely for the young. But it doesn’t need to be true. Because it actually isn’t.
And the benefits of trying something that you are curious about are literally monumental.
And, It doesn’t matter if you don’t end up liking what you try. It’s entirely irrelevant. The most important aspect of trying something new is that you’re giving yourself permission to step into the realm of uncertainty where you can try something in your life. With the pure possibility that it might just not be for you. And if it isn’t for you, you still get everything from the experience. There is no failure, or wasted time. Because you didn’t. You have given yourself the chance to experience something in your life that you wouldn’t have gotten to. There is no place or reason for guilt. Only a place to be inspired to find something else to try out. Or maybe to go back to something forgotten.
So, here are 5 reasons to give something a try. And even if you feel like you’re too old… you’re not 🙂
1) Excitement is not just for the young!
We might have forgotten what it feels like to be passionate and excited about something. So, let me remind you. It is the absolute best drug in life. And it doesn’t need to leave us as we get older. It’s also contagious. So all these people in your life that you help in so many ways, they’ll reap the benefits of your excitement as well. So don’t hold back. If there is something you’ve always been curious about, be it karate or pottery or picking mushrooms, look into it, and find a way to give it a try with a group or on your own. You never know what you might gain in the process.
2) Watching yourself improve at something through hard work, is one of the great joys in life
When we get stagnant in our own life pattern, plugging away at what we do, we can easily forget what true excitement feels like. So we don’t necessarily miss it. Or notice that it’s lacking. But having something of our own that inspires us and excites us, is an addition to our life that will add pleasure and color to everything that we do. We deserve to keep changing and learning and being excited. And watching ourselves improve at something can keep us more content, and feeling youthful.
3) Doing something new is the perfect spot to make a friend
Meeting new people becomes harder and less natural as we get older. School and the park are no longer the option that they once were. And our social circle can naturally lessen as we exhaust our work friends. And once work is no longer part of our life, our social options can come to a standstill. Loneliness can be overwhelming. But if we venture outside of our home and our habits, we might just make a new friend or two. Not to mention, it’s easier, and less intimidating to connect to someone while doing something that you enjoy. So, for the sake of making a new friend, here is yet another of the reasons to try new things as we get older.
4) Being ‘a beginner’ brings us a humility and helps us to grow
It might sound uncomfortable to be starting at the beginning. It is. But being at the beginning of something, is a truly powerful experience. It awakens our mind. When we don’t quite know the process, everything is suddenly important, and interesting. And our mind is forced to wake up in a way it might not have been asked. Also, to feel new at something can sometimes remind us of the beauty of learning. And it can remind us of the challenges that people we love are going through as well. Learning to see things in a different way or from a different perspective is a true gift that we give ourselves just by taking a chance to try something new. When we are learning with someone, it’s a very natural way to connect with them too.
5) Stagnancy will age us quicker and more intensely than the passing years
The power of an excitement to learn and to improve is a power like no other. As we age, our minds and our bodies will slow down naturally. But if we maintain a delight for the experience of growing, we will maintain a youthfulness that people will marvel at. They will wonder at your spirit, and your youthfulness. They’ll say, “You just don’t look your age.” and “I would have never guessed that.” And you’ll thank them, and you’ll think to yourself, “I love my life, and I am excited by what I can learn and what I can achieve every single day. That is the secret to my youthfulness.” And they will think, “hmmm did they get some procedure done?” And you’ll know, that it’s so much more simple and genuine than that. You’re just doing things that you love. Trying something new can reawaken an agility that may never have returned. Having something new and exciting to put your time and energy actually gives you energy.
THere are never ending supply of reasons to try new things as we age. It doesn’t matter what you do, but trying something new does things that the stagnancy that we incorrectly adhere to the process of aging, just won’t be able to. And stillness leads to more stillness, which can easily lead to loneliness and then sadness. So, take the chance, find something that excites you, and give it a go, my friend. I believe in you 🙂
Thanks so much for your support,
And remember to be kind to yourself, and to let yourself shine,